If the recent string of cruise ship problems over the last year has you changing your vacation plans, you’re not alone. Four Carnival cruise ships have experienced trouble at sea ranging from power outages to steering problems. The long-term impact to Carnival’s business depends largely on their response to this crisis.
It’s situations like this that have business leaders wondering how their company would respond in a time of crisis or adversity. Perhaps you don’t have responsibility for such visible crises but what about the “everyday” crises you experience with your sales force, teams and departments? Crises such as losing an important client, losing to the competition, or losing market share? It’s important to recognize that managing people and processes in a crisis is the same as managing them under normal circumstances. However, what’s distinctive in a crisis situation is the urgency, focus and potential negative consequences that highlight the inadequacies that were already present. The way to address the crisis is to first establish solid problem solving practices and a common language for non-crisis situations – and this may require changing the culture of your organization. Second, create a strategic plan to guide you through the current adverse situation.
In working with many large organizations over the years I have found that the following are distinctive traits in those organizations that are successful in changing their problem solving culture. These unique traits are relevant for any culture shift:
• Understand why the shift is vital and communicate: Identify and clearly articulate the reason for the culture shift. Identify what would happen if no shift occurred. Identify the expected result and benefit when the shift does occur. And, of course, couch all change actions with a focus on “what’s-in-it-for-me” for each audience.
• Overall management commitment: Key organizational management understands and articulates the reason for the shift. Management is “on-board” with the need for the change and the process that was used to achieve the shift.
• Key stakeholders and drivers: Often there is a person or small group that is passionate about the need for the culture shift and they have the ability to adjust priorities (including financial) to bring about the needed changes.
• Consistent message and support: Messages are communicated clearly and frequently. These messages are also supported in the actions of management. Expectations for change are consistently coached and encouraged by managers. Everyone in the company must understand that the current culture took a long time to develop and it will take time to change the culture. During times of change people push back because they focus on what will be lost. Your message must focus on all of the good things that will be gained.
• Common language and processes: Through training and other communication, a common language and set of processes for addressing problems was established. The common language was reinforced through statements, personal actions and coaching of individuals at every opportunity.
• Effective interdepartmental communication: Departments must interact well with one another and use the common language and processes that have been established.
• Celebrate the “wins”: Organizations find it helpful to point to examples of success that give people a visible example of achievement and benefit. They make a “big deal” about the success so that others are encouraged and motivated to accomplish the same.
In short, crisis management is all about managing change in a culture with which people are comfortable. Shifting the culture of your organization will cause discomfort and push back will hinder your successful implementation. It takes strategic planning and effort to change a culture to one that is resilient in times of crises and adversity.
Action Management Associates
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